How to import code into the MakeCode micro:bit online editor?

In this video, GénieLab guides you through importing a code file from your downloads to the MakeCode platform. If you’re working on one of our educational courses, for example, we may provide you with code elements that you’ll then have to manipulate on MakeCode to complete challenges.

If you’ve already downloaded the code, it should be in your computer’s download tab, which you can easily access via the document holder.

Simply go to your computer’s document holder and click on the download tab, which should be visible on the left-hand side of the window. The code file should be there, in “HEX File” format.

If you remember the click-and-drag method we used in the video on downloading a code file from MakeCode to your micro:bit, then simply move the mouse over the file, press and hold the button and drag the file to the MakeCode web page.

Once you release the mouse button, the code should now be on the web page.

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GénieLab offers techno-creative workshops every weekend from July 6 to August 17, 2024!

Accessible to children aged 7 and over